META-REP: A Meta-scientific Programme to Analyse and Optimise Replicability in the Behavioural, Social, and Cognitive Sciences (SPP 2317)

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Conceptual Replications - Guidelines for implementation and factors influencing replicability across different fields in psychology

Surname, First name Title Phone
Gast, Anne Prof. Dr.  +49-221-470-8648
Pohl, Steffi Prof. Dr.  +49 30 838 62 926
Sengewald, Marie-Ann Dr.  +49(0)951-863-3678
Twardawski, Mathias Dr.  +49 (0) 89/2180-3214
Hoffmann, Jerome M.Sc. +49 951 863-3765
Kondzic, Dennis M.Sc +49 30 838 67418
Höhs, Johanna M.Sc. +49-221-470-3045