META-REP: A Meta-scientific Programme to Analyse and Optimise Replicability in the Behavioural, Social, and Cognitive Sciences (SPP 2317)

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Current Position Announcements


Doctoral student (m/f/d), (part-time position, 75%), Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany

Postdoctoral Research Associate, (salary level TV-L E 13, 100%), Institute of Psychology in the Faculty of Psychology & Sports Science at the University of Münster, Germany

Doctoral Research Assistant (m/f/d), (part-time position, 75%; salary determined by TV-L E 13), Professorship of General Psychology II at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Refugee Researchers The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) supports researchers who have fled their home countries by making it easier for them to join research projects and apply for funding under the Walter Benjamin Programme.

Call for Replicators at the RWI − Leibniz Institute for Economic Research